We firmly believe that tutoring is about more than merely a lesson.
In order for a student to realise their potential, the support structure they have in place is vital and can be the difference when targeting a top grade. This is why our tutors are handpicked and thoroughly interviewed to ensure they have not only the qualifications, understanding and knowledge for their role, but also the passion required to go the extra mile for their students.
They can often be found out of hours answering extra questions students may have and adapting the structure of their lessons to best accommodate the individual they are working with. We offer regular conversations with parents to make sure their input is considered and they are kept informed on their child’s progress. Parents will also have the opportunity to speak to and get to know their tutor before lessons commence.
Our tutors will possess great understanding of the specific exam-board a student is taking, as there can be many nuances between different boards of the same subject that must be taken into account in order to maximise a student’s chances of performing optimally in their final examinations.
We pride ourselves on providing our students with the educational experience that suits them most. This is why our focus is to offer a range of services that may work best for individuals in a variety of different circumstances. We offer one-to-one tuition to provide our students with specialised lessons that will be entirely focused on their specific goals. Additionally, we run group lessons that students attend along with others with similar aims, so that they can learn from the questions and perspectives of others as well as their own. Groups can be chosen specifically by students on request. Many of our previous clients have found great benefit in using a mixture of these services.